Wednesday 22 July 2015

how to self-indulge?

hi guys,

hope all is dandy and well with all none of you.

as i sit here wondering, or even pondering some might say*, whether to take a picture of my cool coffee and laptop set-up in this trendy cafe in london, i can't help but think - are we letting self-indulgence go too far?**

don't get me wrong, i can't deny the enjoyment i get looking at the beautiful picture of a lipstick someone has taken on a piece of white card next to a rose. its like an ascetic, virtual, calming hug.

it gives us that nice balance between 'wow i can't wait to one day be as cool as this person with their cappuccino and white sheets and bare legs' and 'fuck i really need to stop lying around in these joggers i bought in 2001 and pull my life together.' 

but back to the person taking the photo: straining their arms in the air to get that perfect birds eye view*** - standing in front of a strangers beaut white mansion to get an ootd -  letting their avo toast get cold whilst they get the perfectly fuzzed background. how are they justifying it to themselves?

i guess the thousands of likes and instagram fame is enough to get you to power through but does it feel good? do people feel satisfied and accomplished? do people feel like they added something to the world by uploading that 4th selfie this week?

how does a blogger in this age of blogging separate the idea of business promotion and self promotion?

i'd be interested to know all your thoughts on this

*note: why the f dont people say 'ponder' anymore? 
** note: yes
*** note: is this how people do it? or do they have some kind of weird sexy live in photographer to take pictures of them relaxing cause that's what i'm picturing right now.

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