Wednesday 2 September 2015


rodders - you seem like you've seen a few good questions in your life.

like socrates once said 'the more dece questions you hear the more dece questions you're gonna ask' and it sounds like you two have a lot in common.

there isn't really a relevant picture for this question, so instead here is one of me looking at you patronisingly after you asked me this question 
me on the other hand,  i mainly answer questions myself, so the thought of asking one - well i don't even know how to begin that process.

bear with me, i'm going to have to think about this logically. people only ask questions when they:

a) don't know the answer and think the person/people they're asking does
b) are interested in the person's/peoples answer specifically
c) don't think anyone knows the answer but thinks the answer should be found*

that first option is pretty good but does anyone really know anything that i don't know?**

the second option is also good because i am very nosy - who aint - but a really good question in this section requires a really good answer and all the things i want to know people probably wouldn't tell me.

now this third option. this is where the really clever/pretentious/interesting/life changing/ground breaking/floor shaking/earth quaking/breath taking/bloo graking/shmoo praking questions come into play. you can be really proud of yourself if you ask one of these. so yeah, if i could think of a really good question it would definitely be one of these and it would be really good.

but roderick (can i call you by your full name?) i'm in a canteen that smells like jacket potatoes at the moment and it's not my job to think of questions anyway***. its yours. so stop delegating. i've had it up to here with you getting me to do your job for you. whilst we're on the subject you can do your own laundry from now on. and a thank you card wouldn't go amiss. and maybe a jacket potato.

this has been emily.

*note: yes yes yes yes yes i know there probably is more but come on gimme a break, i'm writing this in a canteen that smells like jacket potatoes and... well that's excuse enough surely.
**note: why do you keep calling me out on these things rod? it was a joke for crying out loud. all i know is that i got a bundle of gcses and everything i've learnt since then seemed like 20% serious and 80% a huge pretentious inside joke.
***note: if you really want to know, my favourite question is 'what the......?' It can pretty much cover anything if you ask it at the right time. try it out for yourself sometime.

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